We have the option of two schools; the Discipleship Training School and the School of Frontier Missions. Click here to read more about each school and choose the one thats right for you!
Whether you have been a part of our ministry in the past, or are thinking about possibly being a part sometime in the future, your feedback on your experience is important. Also if you have any improvment tips to the website or any other part of our media or ministry we would greatly appreciate it
YWAM Grenada has oportunities for almost anyone to come and be a part of our ministry. We need peoples for all different nations that are skilled in administartion, the kitchen, maintinance and many many more!
Give to the ministry or to any of the staff. All donations are tax deducible. All YWAM ministries and staff raise their own support. Click here to find out more details
Grenada is full of opportunities to do long term and short term ministries. Teams are